One Big Question:
Does a piano need to be tuned if no one plays it?
Absolutely! A piano needs to be tuned at least every 2-3 years even if no one plays it. But more than likely, you are reading this because someone in your household plays the piano. In this case, you should tune your piano at least once a year.
Piano parts are like our muscles, tendons, and joints. They need movements to stay in good shape. I have seen many pianos developed problems like sticking parts or weakened strings due to lack of playing, tuning, and care. Also the chance of string breakage at a tuning session is much higher for a badly out of tune piano. There will be a cost to the piano owner to replace broken strings.
Now, if you have piano students in your household, it is important to keep your piano sounding good all the times.
A good sounding piano makes piano time more enjoyable. The more enjoyment and praises the students receive, the more the students will spend time playing. Besides, it is particularly important for piano students to hear the correct pitch of each note and the pleasing harmony of different combinations of notes. And the only way to achieve this is to tune the piano regularly.
IT IS COST EFFECTIVE TO TUNE YOUR PIANO: As a rule of thumb, students should spend about 5 times of their lesson time practicing on their piano in order to make good progress. Playing on an out of tune piano is neither a good experience to the students nor to their audience (usually their parents and siblings). The tuning fee is only a small fraction of expense when comparing to the cost of taking piano lessons. And so, the money you spend on giving your piano a good sound is very cost effective in supporting the students' learning journey.
Your Tuning Appointment:
* It may take 1.5 hr to 2 hr for a basic tuning and about 2.5 hr for a basic tuning with a pitch correction.
* Clearing the items from the top of your piano will help :)
* Maintain a relatively quiet environment while the technician is tuning can definitely help in resulting a good tuning.
* It is necessary to strike the keys hard and fast sometimes in order to stabilize the pitch So, do not think that I am mad or frustrated with your piano. :)
Since I will be removing some case parts, the best time to clean the inside of the piano is right before a tuning. So, get your vacuum cleaner with a narrow crevice attachment ready if you have one.
The less adjustment to the string tension a tuner needs to make at a tuning session, the longer the piano will sound beautiful after a tuning. Tuning regularly will help your piano sound the best between tuning appointments.